Desert 1. The unrelenting starkness he trudged through intensified the effect of the pulsing sun. He began to swallow but his parched tongue arched against the roof of his mouth and there was no saliva to provide relieve. Grains of sand slithered down his face carried by beads of sweat. The sun’s rays turned the air around him into an intense sauna. The sand beneath his feet broiled them. The sky, a dull blue, promised no relief.

Grasfire 2. Sally put an arm up to shield her face from the blistering air pulsing from the grass fire. She inched towards the inferno sideways and slapped the wet gunny sack at new sprouts of flames in the grass. Moments later a gust of wind fanned a tongue of flame at her and she stumbled backwards. The flame flicked towards the jacket she had needed against the cold of the January day until faced with the fire. The edge of the flame seared her face as it flicked against the jacket’s sleeve. Wisps of smoke curled up from the denim. Sally jerked back. She frantically beat at the smoldering material with the gunny sack and then held the damp material against her burning face. Would the firetrucks never come?

Wheat Field 3. Circa 1950 Swallowing the last of his lunch Sam glanced at the thermometer hanging from the bar above his head. Three digits and climbing. A glance up showed the sun, brilliant and searing overhead. Not a whisper of a breeze. Nothing to lighten the sweltering day, not even the movement of the combine in such thick straw. He gazed out across the half cut wheat field and swiped with his handkerchief at the sweat dripping into his eyes. After stuffing it into his jean’s pocket he throttled the header into gear, then winced as the half bare metal rod seared his hand. Cursing the missing knob, he gave his hand a hard flick and then shifted the combine into drive.

Hunk 4. A glance out her window showed showers of snowflakes interspersed with sleet. Jessica sighed and double clicked on the attachment her friend had sent in her latest email. For a moment she sat, stunned. This photo from staid prudish Mary? She pushed her mouse to close the pic and paused, then looked more carefully from top to bottom. I can only imagine what that bottom must look like. She brought a hand up to fan her face as a blush threatened. When did it get so warm in here? Jessica questioned as her gaze wandered across wonderful rippling abs and then to the hand pushing down the best filled pair of boxers she’d ever seen. What a tan. She huffed a breath up into her bangs and fanned her face again. Jessica closed her eyes. Sun-warmed sand made for toe wriggling, the cool shade of palm trees and the steady slap of waves in the background filled her mind. Leaning against one of the palm trees, the man in the photo met her gaze; sent a spike of passion coursing through her veins. “It’s too darn cold outside,” huffed Beth. “Are the snow showers supposed to last all day?” She looked at her coworker. “Jessica?’